so many ways to give


Please consider making a gift that is significant to you. Whether it’s a one-time contribution or a monthly sustaining gift, every dollar will help Joel Hall Dancers and Center awaken the dancer in everyone’s soul.

Thank you for your support!

give time

There are many ways you can volunteer to support the werkq of Joel Hall Dancers and Center. Email to learn more about opportunities to get involved.


plan a gift

One of the many ways you can support our artistry is by including Joel Hall Dancers and Center in your planned giving. This is an easy way to make a lasting impact without affecting your current financial security and freedom. Planned gifts offer you the flexibility to balance your personal financial goals with your support of Joel Hall Dancers and Center, and also may provide significant tax and income advantages. Please consult with your attorney or other professional advisers when considering a planned gift.

If you have already included Joel Hall Dancers and Center in your estate plans, please contact us to let us know so you can be recognized as a valued member of our dance family.


sustaining pledge +

Make a sustaining gift regularly each week, month or quarter using our online pledge form and a credit card or electronic funds transfer (EFT). This is a great way to make a significant gift and spread your contribution across the year. You can also contact us to schedule a recurring gift.

pledge with an invoice +

Pledges can be made for gifts to Joel Hall Dancers and Center’s annual fund for general operations and programs. Email for more information on how you can pledge your support.

gifts of stock +

Joel Hall Dancers & Center welcomes gifts of appreciated stock. Please email for more information on how you and your financial advisor can support our WERKQ in this way.

matching gifts +

If your employer offers a matching gift program, just email your matching gift paperwork (generally available from your Human Resources Office) to and we will do the rest.

charitable gift annuities +

Charitable Gift Annuities (CGA) are one of the most popular forms of planned giving and can offer tax advantages as well as life income for the donor or a named income beneficiary. A CGA is a contract between the investor and issuing charity, in which the investor makes an irrevocable gift to the charity, and in return the charity pays the investor a fixed income for life. Upon the death of the investor, the amount remaining (residuum) goes to the charity. For information on how to make a CGA to Joel Hall Dancers and Center, please consult your financial advisor to develop a plan best suited for you.

life insurance and retirement plans +

You may choose to make Joel Hall Dancers and Center the designated beneficiary of life insurance or retirement plan proceeds. Life insurance policies with built-up cash value can make convenient tax-deductible gifts. Naming Joel Hall Dancers and Center a beneficiary of a retirement plan may also result in significant tax savings. For information on how to make Joel Hall Dancers and Center a designated beneficiary, please consult your financial advisor to develop a plan best suited for you.

bequests +

Once you have made provisions for family in your will, you may wish to leave a specific amount, a percentage of the estate or the residuum of the estate to Joel Hall Dancers and Center. If you wish to make a bequest to Joel Hall Dancers and Center, please consult your attorney for language best suited to your estate plan.